Building a $3000 a Month Blog in 12 Months – It’s Easier Than You Think!

Starting a blog and making $3,000 a month in 12 months may sound tough, but it’s totally doable. It takes time and effort, but once you get going, you can even hire a writer to help you out. Believe it or not, some college students have started blogs from their dorm rooms that earn far more than $5,000 a month before they even leave college. If they can do it, then so can you.

You don’t need anyone’s permission to start a blog. All you need is a domain name, hosting, and a blogging template. You can begin with a simple WordPress theme and get someone on Fiverr to set it up for you.

Once you’ve got your blog, just follow this month-by-month plan to get it to a minimum of $3000 per month in 12 months.

Quick Note: You can apply this plan to free platforms like Medium or Hubpages, too. Just skip the ad networks and concentrate on creating a digital product to make money from your page.

Month 1

Start by doing some keyword research using tools like Ahrefs or Zutrix. Your aim is to find 2 to 3 subcategories with a total of 30 topics related to your niche. Look for low-competition topics with lots of searches.

When you use these keywords, your website has a better shot at showing up at the top of search results. This brings more traffic and helps you stand out. Even though it takes time and effort to rank these keywords, it’s worth it. Once you rank high, you’re ahead of the game.

Remember, your goal is to hit $3000 a month within a year, so you can’t compete with big websites. Google takes around eight months to rank your content, making what you create early on crucial. Be sure it’s top-notch content with images, data, sources, and valuable info.

Your goal is to create 30 blog posts this month. Focus on optimizing your snippets. Snippets are those short descriptions under the clickable title on Google’s search page. Usually, the top-ranking article shows the snippet above the title.

Under each subcategory, link your articles together. Reference them within the article and add links in “Related content. If you create a series of ten articles on one topic and link them all, you’ll have a better chance at ranking your keywords.

Think about what you want to give away in exchange for email addresses. The sooner you start list building, the better. Your first month is all about building so you won’t see much traffic. But you do want to get ready to start building that list as soon as possible.

Month 2:

Now, let’s start thinking about how to make money from your blog. Look for affiliate programs that match your blog’s theme. For example, if you’re blogging about weight loss, find an affiliate program related to weight loss products that you’d like to promote. If you already know the product you want to talk about, search Google for that product’s name along with the word ‘affiliate.’

If your blog is all about online marketing, consider signing up for affiliate programs related to web hosting and autoresponders, things new marketers often need. In the long run they can earn you more money than Clickbank products because they pay monthly and sometimes for many years.

Add your affiliate links as you go along rather than waiting until all of your posts are done. Also, don’t bother with product reviews. Instead, simply recommend products that fit naturally into your blog posts.

During this month, your goal is to write another 30 top-notch, informative posts. Keep an eye on your competitors because your content should outshine theirs. Make it more informative, longer, and easier to read than what your competitors are putting out there.

Create your lead magnet to give away in exchange for email addresses. Set  up your autoresponder and add your lead capture form to your site.

Yes, I know this is a lot of work, but it’s worth it. Remember, you’ve got this!

Month 3:

Time to kick things up a notch. Start by hunting for more keywords. This time, aim to expand your subcategories to 4 or 5. Then, roll up your sleeves and create another 30 articles that fit these new subcategories.

Don’t forget to link these articles together within each subcategory. And, of course, sprinkle in those affiliate links where they make sense. Your goal? Make your content the go-to resource in your niche. If you want, you can even consider outsourcing some of this work.

Month 4:

Get ready because this month is going to be exciting! First, cut your article count in half. You only need to create 15 new articles this month, because you’re going to be spending the rest of your time making YouTube videos.

Aim for 5 to 10 short, snappy videos. Your YouTube channel should cover the same topics as your blog, and make sure to link back to your blog in the video descriptions.

Now, if you’re thinking about ads, it’s time to sign up for an ad network to place ads on your blog. Google Adsense, Ezoic, and MediaVine are some options to consider, but there are plenty of others out there. Typically, you’ll get a percentage of the ad revenue.

Oh, and if you haven’t already, start adding visuals to all your posts. These could be pictures, graphs, infographics, and videos. They not only make your content visually appealing but also boost your SEO game.

Month 5:

Guess what? It’s time for another round of searching for 30 fresh topics for future blog posts. You’re building authority in your niche, and Google is watching! Google loves:

  • Loads of top-notch, well-researched content.
  • Posts that link together related topics.
  • Visuals like images, graphs, and solid sources.
  • Updating and enhancing older articles.

Write 15-20 high-quality posts and don’t forget to promote your content on social media. Sneak those affiliate links into your articles when they fit naturally and recommend some products.

And let’s not forget about YouTube – add 5 more videos to your channel.

Month 6:

Keep the momentum going! Write another 15-20 top-quality articles, link related ones together, and post 5 new videos on YouTube.

Month 7:

Back to the drawing board for another research analysis session to find 30 new article ideas. Write and post 15-20 fresh articles. Now, it’s time to dig into your affiliate products:

  • Analyze your traffic.
  • Check those stats.
  • Consider adding new products to the mix if the current ones aren’t giving you the results you want.

You might be wondering why you’re doing keyword research so frequently. It’s twofold: First, you’re learning and discovering new topics as you go along. Second, things change, and new topics suddenly become hot.

And if you’re one of the first to write about these fresh topics, Google will love you.

Month 8:

Time for action! Create 15-20 articles and pump out 5 or more videos. Why so many videos? Because they can help you rank faster.

You’ve probably noticed that videos often pop up in Google’s search results, and that’s exactly what you’re aiming for. When you embed these videos into your articles, you boost your chances of ranking high.

Plus, you’re giving your readers an extra resource. I get it, videos might not be your favorite, but trust me, they’re a must.

Month 9:

You’re two-thirds of the way to your goal, so keep the momentum going! Post another 15-20 articles and research 30 more content ideas. Remember to link related content together and keep sharing your work on social media.

Month 10:

You’ve got the rhythm now, right? Post 15-20 articles and add five more videos to your collection. Keep sharing and linking relevant posts together.

Month 11:

You’re closing in on your $3000 per month goal. Prepare another list of 30 article topics and get that content rolling. Write 15-20 articles and make 5 or more videos. Don’t forget to link related posts and share your work on social platforms.

Month 12:

Last stretch! Post your final 15-20 articles and create five or more videos. Now, here’s the best part – CELEBRATE! You’ve done it, and you deserve to pat yourself on the back. Throw a party and let the good times roll!

Final Notes:

Starting out, this might seem like a lot of work, and it is. But here’s the good news: As you go along, it gets easier and easier each month. The most challenging part is those initial 30 articles. After that, it’s about staying on track and watching your traffic grow.

If you’re interested in diving deeper into SEO, you can take a course to learn more about ranking your articles high on Google.

Building a profitable blog and ranking on Google isn’t a walk in the park, but it’s entirely possible when you stick to a plan and focus on key tasks. Here’s what you need to keep in mind:

  • Find Your Niche: Start by selecting a profitable niche or targeting a specific audience.
  • Keyword Research: Dig deep into keyword research and understand your competition.
  • Consistency: Maintain a consistent posting schedule.
  • YouTube: Create YouTube videos to complement your content.
  • Test different lead magnets presented in different ways at different times and places on your site. See what works best for list building. Consider having several different offers, such as free PDF’s of your most popular articles, lists of resources and even special videos just for list subscribers.
  • Monetization: Use ads and affiliate links to make money from your blog.
  • Optimization: Optimize your content with images, data, and infographics.
  • Sharing: Share your articles on platforms like Pinterest, Twitter, and Flipboard.
  • Internal Links: Link related posts together for a better user experience.

If your goal is to earn $3000 a month in 12 months, remember that it requires consistent effort throughout the year; otherwise, you might be disappointed with the results.

Also, don’t forget to equip yourself with some essential tools:

  • Keyword Research Tool: Ahrefs is excellent, but if it’s not within your budget, consider Zutrix.
  • Analytics: Use Google Analytics to analyze your traffic data.
  • Graphics: Canva is handy for creating blog images and social media posts.
  • Video Editing: Inshot or iMovie are great for crafting YouTube videos.
  • Screen Recording: If you plan on creating on-screen tutorials, OBS Studio and Recforth are both effective choices.

Lastly, building an email list is crucial. Send valuable content to your subscribers weekly. Get Response is a good option, but if you’re on a budget, Mailchimp works too.

Stay focused and keep pushing forward.

Oh yes, and I saved the best part for last. If you reach your initial goal of $3,000 per month in 12 months, and if you keep working at the same pace, then there’s no reason why that $3,000 couldn’t double the second year and even quadruple the third year.

I’ve seen people go from $0 blog income to six figures in 2 years, so it can happen. But it does take work and dedication. Are you ready?

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