$10K / Month Membership — No Experience Needed

Let’s say that you are brand spanking new to online marketing in general, or to your new niche.

You know… not much of anything.

Yet, you want to put together a $10,000 a month membership site, and you want to do it fairly quickly.

This means you don’t have time to become an expert yourself. Instead, you’ve got to enlist other experts to help you.

You have no reputation. No history. No contacts.

Heck, you haven’t even put up your website yet!

We’ll use the online marketing niche for our example, but this would work in a LOT of niches, not just internet marketing.

So, how do you get your membership site full of great content found nowhere else?

You could contact big name marketers and see if they will help you. Yeah. That’s going to work, right?

I don’t think so. Again, you have no reputation, no history and no contacts.

Instead, you spend an afternoon brainstorming everything someone new to online marketing would need to build a successful internet business.

Your list probably includes things like blogging, product creation, outsourcing, list building, email marketing, Facebook advertising, social media marketing, affiliate marketing, lead magnets, squeeze pages and sales pages, launching a product and so forth.

When you’re done, you have a long list.

Now you go looking for experts in these areas to interview, but not the ‘top’ experts. Nope.

You want the smaller, newer marketers who’ve just experienced recent success in their business. For each area you have listed, you find one new expert.

This is likely someone who just started making money online within the last two years. They are beginning to build a reputation, but they are still new enough that they jump when opportunities are presented to them.

You offer them space in your membership site to advertise their products.

And you give them a generous plug in the interview that you do with them.

Remember, these are newer marketers. They WANT and NEED to get their name out there.

And they want to sell products, of course. That’s why most of them will say, “YES!” to your offer.

Now then, you’re probably going to be doing at least two dozen interviews, maybe more. That sounds like a lot, doesn’t it?

But you don’t have to do nearly that many to open up your membership site.

Once you have your first 3 to 5 interviews, you can open your course and begin drip feeding the interviews.

Be sure to provide a good, quality transcription of each interview, too, in PDF format.

And if you’re good at manipulating audio, or you can outsource it, I would recommend cleaning up the interviews so that long pauses, umms and ahhs are removed.

How will you sell your membership?

If you think of the mansion and Lamborghini crowd as being up in the clouds, then you’re doing the opposite. You’re in the trenches with these guys who are working their way up the internet marketing ladder.

Your experts have actually DONE what they said they did, and they prove it in their interviews with their own stories of what worked and how they accomplished and even exceeded their goals.

You’re putting together dynamite content for your membership site without having any experience of your own.

And if you can’t get the person you want for a certain topic, then get someone else. Visit the appropriate forums for your niche and you’ll find plenty of them.

Charge as little or much as you want for your site. I recommend charging by the month and adding content on a weekly basis. The less you charge, the more people will sign up and the longer they’ll stay.

But the more you charge, the fewer subscribers you need to make an excellent monthly income.

The key is finding that sweet balance.

Also, highly encourage your experts to become your affiliates and promote your membership site to their own lists. This alone can likely get you into the $10,000 a month bracket.

Just think about what you learned here: You can start a membership site with NO knowledge of your own, getting in-the-trenches-experts to create the content for you via interviews, and then you can get them to become your affiliates and bring you subscribers.

Everything you need to begin making money is in this super simple system.

And yes, it’s already being done and proven to work. I can’t reveal who’s doing it, because then you could totally rip off their system. But they’re out there right now, making money every month doing this.

And you can, too.



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